Sunday, August 9, 2009

moments of solitude..

I started to write a letter to my BFF and i couldn't finish it in like...3 days for now?!and I'm long it will take, at last, to the moment when i'll get it to the post office and SEND it.and the real reason it's not that i don't have what to tell her.Perhaps u're wandering why would i send letters to my bff who's living...*take a deep breath* thousands miles away!ok, i tell you the whole truth...i'm in a far far far away kingdom which is not really my wish, but for now, this is the life, i am here and i'm not gonna start wouldn't help at all..
*sigh* i feel a lil bit better..
Last night i had terrible pains, and this night won't be different...i already took a tylenol and the pain just loves my, i guess..yep, it's the cast..actually not the cast is the problem..the problem is my broken bone.i wanna go for a walk at the park, i feel like i'm gonna find some friends.
*moment of thinking*
I need some friends which i can go out with...

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