Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I'm Diving In

I was going to write today about faith, because Abraham’s faith amazes me. However, on Sunday I realized I am far from being ready to talk about such a vast subject. And the sermon I listened to inspired me to talk about digging deeper. Or studying. How many times do I spend time really searching the Bible for new meanings, new food for my soul? How many books did I read that helped my spiritual growth or taught me to be a disciple of Jesus? How many times did we read a passage and took only what’s obvious, easy to get to and basic? The sermon I heard was from Acts 5: the story of Ananias and Sapphira - they die after lying about their offering. It’s very known this passage, since I was little I remember people talking about how God punished them for lying. But, if you dig deeper, is so much more to learn from it: they not only lied, they wanted to look better by deceiving everybody to think they gave everything they had. They wanted a good reputation based on a lie. That’s hypocrisy (that’s what the preacher underlined the most). I won’t talk about hypocrisy now, otherwise this article will turn into a sermon (and being a pastor’s kid, that’d be too easy), but it seems God challenges me to dive in his word, not just play next to the shore. Like it was last time (read here), He proved me wonderful things are waiting for me once I dive in.

What was your recent discovery about God that took you by surprise?

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Making magic happen...

           Is it bad when you're proud of your work? Of how it came out? How you managed to make your ideas happen through your creativity? Sometimes, I am (99.9% I don't say it out loud!). Sometimes, I'm amazed how far the creativity's limits can stretch. Of course, there are many times when I fail miserably. But tonight I want to share with you my latest (and cutest!) of my creations. Last weekend a lady from work turned 29...again(!), and everyone counted on me to make a cute card. I knew I had to come up with something good. Since she likes make-up, there had to be something along those lines, but wasn't sure what and how. I wanted an eyeshadow and mascara. So what do you do when you don't have too much time?... Yes, the answer is Pinterest... There were quite a few ideas, but I liked this one the most.

  Using whatever I had home (pink and black Bazzill card stock, ivory card stock, circle cutter, craft knife, stamps, ink, passion and some patience), this came out!!.. Unfortunately, I didn't think of taking pictures while I was making it, so these are the only "after" pictures I have. Inside the blush I wrote "It's never to late to dream bigger!" and the inside was blank for everyone to sign. The birthday girl loved it! She said she never received a card as cool as this one in her entire life. I don't know if she was just being nice, or not. All I know is I enjoyed every single second of the process. And, once again I was reminded you don't need all the expensive tools. Creativity, some basic tools, a lot of patience and passion is all you need.

When was the last time you realized patience and passion are more important than all the fancy tools?

And, since I like parties, I linked up to here:

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hello, twenty thirteen!


{photo by me}
          It's that time when people sit down and analize themselves for the past year, set goals, see what changed and what's to change. It's the opportunity of "new beginnings". Well, I'm not that kind of person. I've never been and it's hard to imagine myself this way. I'm trying, though - really hard, actually.

          I've had some resolutions last year. Some of them happened. Some, are in progress. Others, didn't.

  I haven't blogged too much. Not necessarily because of lack of inspiration, but because time management was pretty challenging. Besides, until now, I've kept it more as a journal replacer. This year, I want others to get to know this little world of mine. Not because I'm important, but because I want to invest in people. And if I'm shy, this would be the best way(at least, for now). So this year, you'll find me at my working desk, making creatinkart happen; spending time with family and friends; investing in youth & church; seeking God; making a home; falling in love with my hubby every single day; writing about my failures and victories; sharing my fears and moments of happiness. I'll be a busy bee, enjoying the warm days and cold ones. Growing up, falling, getting up and going further. I have a plan (more or less, to be honest!!) and I need your encouragement. Because I'm scared.

                So, bring it on, 2013!! Bring it on!!!