Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thoughts on my first craft show

I haven't talked a lot about my shop here. But for a while, I knew I wanted to make another step. So, I decided to go to a craft fair. I imagined on writing posts on my progress how I prepare for this new journey ahead of me, but didn't make it. I thought I had enough time, but I was mistaken. Now that is done, and I drink (another cup of caramel mocha) with the satisfaction of "I did it!", I figured I have no other excuse why not to share with you how it went.

The week before the fair was a real adventure. I won't be fooled again, I'll make sure I have enough time to prepare for the next one. The morning of the first day, I was as nervous as on our wedding day. It was no turning back. And I wanted so much to go hide under a rock! I'm glad Eddie didn't let me do it.

As we got there and started to set up my booth, I calmed down a little. I took a deep breath and decided to make the best out of it. There were way more vendors than I thought, and they were all so confident! But they were all so friendly and ready to help the others. I didn't think to bring a tent, and for those of you who leave in the area, Saturday was just a perfect sunny day. Nicole of CatWomanCrafts shared her tent with me. Of course, I learned my lesson the next day and brought a tent. But I was impressed by the camaraderie between the vendors.

As the people started to stroll by and look at my cards, I loved to see their reactions, on the birthday cards, on the Christmas tree card, or gifts for Jesus(soon to be available in the shop). Each comment from each person was a sweet reward for me. It is a great satisfaction to realize people do like and value your work. The work you pour your heart in.

Not only I learned a lot (about my display, what to bring, how to talk with customers), but I gathered some inspiration (my first customer is among those who inspired me). So, while I recoup from the weekend, and get ready for Niagra Falls this weekend, I'm looking for the next craft show to go to. I loved the experience and I'm ready for the next one. Bigger one. Also, keep an eye out for new items on the shop.

And I'll try to not disappear again...  


  1. GREAT JOB, girl!! I just recently open an Etsy shop and wow, talk about putting your heart and work on the line. It's a vulnerable spot, but so worth it. Proud of you for your efforts!

    I found your blog via a comment you left on 'Oh Sweet Joy'. XO

    1. So happy you stopped by, Nicole! It's true, to see people's reaction is so worth all the time and everything you put in it. Good luck with your shop!


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