Monday, April 8, 2013

Rear view mirror

I was speeding way too fast on the highway of life, looking only 2 feet in front of me, and more often looking in my rear view mirror to see if my past is still chasing me. It was a cold, foggy morning... when suddenly, a river of rays of sun shone right in front of me. Suddenly, it’s warm and fuzzy, and cozy and I can't stop a smile. That was the moment I realized the rear view mirror is stopping me from seeing the great things that are ahead of me.

This happened to me way too many mornings while driving to work. I get so caught up to look in the rear view mirror, that sometimes I don't even realize what gorgeous views I miss.

You know what? We do that in our everyday lives, too. We don't see the happiness of our kids because we're too worried about job related issues. We can’t see the happiness of a great relationship because we keep looking back scared of our past. We can't reach for hope when looking in rear view mirror.

God had taught me this year through my morning drives more than I could've imagined.

I linked up here:

Messy Marriage

We can keep in touch:


  1. I love long drives ... I do some of my best thinking and praying there and often sense God speaking into my heart more in that "being still" kind of moment. I love your metaphor and it's so true. I want to be fully present and this is a great reminder of that positive discipline. Thanks so much for sharing this great post with Wedded Wed, Nami! Nice to meet ya!

    1. Hi Beth, thanks for stopping over! I hope you'll come back from time to time:)... Nice to meet you, too!


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